Saturday, May 30, 2009

I caught him in the act!

When I came home from work the other day, I walked in to find this....

Need I say more?


West and Darci said...

Too funny! One day when West was actually vacuuming I had to run and grab the camera too. It was the first time in our new house and the last. :)

Steph said...

Woohoo!!! Gotta love it.

Janna said...

What a great man!!

Deanna said...

Way to go Rex! However, the snake is my topic today. New Harmony has more snake stories this month then I have heard in a long time. Yesterday we were warned in Primary that people are finding snakes right and left--uck, uck, uck. Merl Prince just up the street from Ted, killed a rattler on his front steps this week. Shutter, shutter, shutter. Hey Paula thanks for sharing with us--I think--giggle. Love ya, Deanna

Claudine said...

Good for you, Rex! I could have lots of photos of John doing things for me.

David and Vicki Wardell Family said...

Looks like Rexanne is worth more than his good looks!! What a keeper!!!

Vernile said...

Some wise person said that "a mind stretched to a new idea will never return to its original size", or something like that. I'm afraid Rex's life will never be the same.

knap said...

Hey, I lkie this picture, i am going to show this to Kevin, just maybe he will do it a little more often for me. Good job Rex! What a great Man.